The Dangers of Combining Tramadol and Ativan

Ativan and Tramadol are two very common prescription drugs you could see in your medicine cabinet at one time. While Tramadol is usually prescribed to treat physical pain, Ativan is commonly prescribed to manage anxiety.

Tramadol is a narcotic, and Ativan is an benzodiazepine. In 2019 16% of deaths caused by opioids also involved benzodiazepines, as per the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Both drugs aren't intended to be used together. If you are mixing them even without a prescription, it might be a good idea to seek professional assistance.

What Is Tramadol?

Tramadol is a member of a class of medications known as opioids. It is a pain reliever that resembles narcotics. A physician typically prescribes Tramadol for treating severe or moderate discomfort in adults. It is a drug with a long release time, meaning that it can treat pain for a longer time and is not designed to be used for a short period as you experience pain.

Since Tramadol is an opioid medication, it triggers a neurotransmitter found in the brain that releases dopamine. Dopamine creates a feeling of happiness or euphoria and alleviates pain. Like other opioids, Tramadol is extremely addictive, and some people could become dependent on the dopamine rush associated with the use of it. It is important to remember that prescription doses of Tramadol may become addictive, leading users to develop a dependence on the drug in a harmful manner.

The side effects of taking Tramadol may be:

  • Constipation, nausea, and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Headaches

Long-term pain relief by using Tramadol can generally be considered secure if you use the dose prescribed by your physician.

What Is Ativan?

Ativan is a brand of benzodiazepine known as Lorazepam. Ativan is available in tablet form and can be administered by an IV in a hospital setting. Ativan is typically utilized to treat anxiety-related issues and acts by reducing the speed of the central nervous system. It increases the quantity of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (also called GABA) present in your brain, which helps reduce anxiety. GABA is a chemical with a calming effect, and increasing its presence in the brain can help soothe the nervous system's central part.

While it was once prescribed for anxiety, it's now used to treat more severe cases due to its effectiveness and possible adverse negative effects. If you are taking Ativan or the generic lorazepam, the possible side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Drowsiness

The most common side effects you may experience include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Nightmares
  • The body is aching
  • Sweating
  • Breathing is slow

Lorazepam is among the most potent benzodiazepines, and you're at risk of developing physical dependency if you don't take it according to the prescription.

How Ativan and Tramadol Interact

Ativan and Tramadol Ativan and Tramadol lorazepam and Tramadol are depressants of the nervous system. Therefore, having them in combination could increase the adverse effects of each. This can result in a negative sensation for anyone who takes them in the best case and could pose a significant health risk if it happens.

Because Ativan can be used to control anxiety, and Tramadol is utilized to treat pain and pain management, you might wonder what happens if you get injured during your use of Ativan or experience anxiety while taking pain medications. If you need relief from pain when taking lorazepam or anxiety relief, use Tramadol with your physician as an alternative medication that doesn't interact with each other and can be harmful to your well-being.

Also, you should avoid drinking alcohol, self-medicating, or using other supplements and vitamins during either drug, unless you talk to your physician regarding how that substance may interact with benzodiazepine or opioids.

The Danger of Mixing These Drugs

Tramadol and Ativan should not be taken in conjunction, and taking the two medications simultaneously and without a prescription results in serious consequences. Since both drugs suppress your nervous system, you might feel severe drowsiness or even sleepiness if you use them together.

Other possible outcomes of Tramadol and Ativan interaction could include but aren't restricted to:

  • Dizziness
  • Focusing is a challenge
  • Inadequate coordination
  • Problems with the respiratory system
  • Slower response times
  • Drowsiness
  • Coma

In addition, the negative effects of using Ativan as well as Tramadol together could result in the possibility of addiction or overdose. Addiction to either or both of these substances is a real possibility due to long-term usage or inability to follow the dosage recommended by your physician. If you are a victim of an overdose of one or both substances, you could suffer respiratory failure, heart insufficiency, and loss of consciousness. Even death.

If you are taking Tramadol and Ativan, in particular, without a prescription, it may suggest a deeper issue in the use of drugs that needs professional intervention.

When to Seek Help

A few people are addicted to prescription drugs without fault. If you're suffering from addiction issues, it's not necessary to deal with it on your own.

The most effective method to deal with dependence on alcohol or drugs is attending a reputable facility for alcohol and drug rehabilitation. You may need to remain in the center for a time of detox to deal with the withdrawal of the substance. Treatment for outpatients is a viable option for those who are dependent on benzodiazepines and wish to seek assistance without having to stay on-site. Although the treatment for opioid addiction isn't as widespread in outpatients due to the seriousness of addiction, it can be a step that is a part of the recovery process.

Here at FHE Health, We understand that seeking assistance can help you take the first steps to return your life to normal. We're here to support you along the way toward recovery.